Building a Website? These Three Tips Could Save You Money
So you’ve started your business and things are going swell. All you need is a rocking website and the customers will start pouring in, right?
If you’ve started building your own website or have found a great web developer, you’ll know that creating a website is a skill-driven process that takes some serious know-how and an eye for design.
Here’s how to not mess it up (also check out some more thoughts in the video at the bottom).
Three Website Design Tips to Save Thousands of Rands on Your Website
1. Get the Right Team
When it comes to building a website, there are some people who should be allowed into the arena, and some who should be banned from the stadium.
You need:
• someone who knows how to build a website,
• someone who knows how to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) that website,
• and someone who can make it look pretty.
And that’s it.
Everybody seems to be an expert on web design these days, but don’t let opinions, which are not based on facts or data, dictate how you design your website.
Select a team of individuals who are masters of their craft.
Make sure that your chief web developer is a user experience (UX) specialist, who has a proven track record and understands your industry and your requirements. Put this person in charge alongside you.
2. Prioritise your SEO
We hate to break it to you, but your web developer probably knows nothing about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
Getting your website to rank on Google takes time and skill, and it’s imperative that the person who does your web copy understands SEO and how Google uses its algorithm to rank websites.
This is not necessarily your web developer.
In fact, in most cases it’s not. If you don’t spend money on doing your SEO properly, you’ll lose brand visibility and probably spend a fortune on advertising – when you could be ranking organically for free.
3. Know your Users
Are you guilty of torturing your customers with your bad website design?
How would you know?
As with all elements in marketing, testing is a primary task that should never be neglected.
One of the number one website design tips is, you need to make sure that your website appeals to your target markets, but also that it looks great and works.
The only way to do this is to do website usability testing.
These are some of the key pieces of information that you need to know:
• What sort of websites appeal to your target market?
• How do users respond to your website? Do they love it or hate it? Are they confused by it?
• Does your website work the way it’s supposed to?
Bring users in to test your website and give you honest feedback on their experiences.
This will guide the rest of your development process and help save you money in the long run by avoiding design pitfalls and functionality errors.
So what’s the takeaway?
Great website design takes planning and a level of competence that’s not always easy to find.
If you’re doing it yourself, check out these helpful blogs on ways to make users love your website and good home page design.
You can always get an expert to build your website, in which case, we’re here for you.
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